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Translational Neurogenomics & Alzheimer Biomarkers Laboratory - Yang Lab


We believe that honest science is the only way to develop our scientific career and bring forward knowledge that matters. We aim to first be a good person before becoming an excellent scientist.

No question is a bad question

We encourage questions at any project stage (e.g., From human participant recruitment through multi-omic data analyses to manuscript writing). When you are not sure, please ask!

Diverse and Inclusive Lab Culture

We value each other’s diverse backgrounds and opinions. We believe impactful scientific discoveries often originate from the intersections of different ideas

Scientific questions drive methodologies

We first ask important scientific questions and deploy optimal methodologies to address the questions. We will not shy away from learning or even developing new methods—we are in an ideal dry/wet lab collaboration environment to bring together the necessary expertise.


We are a group of individuals at various stages of research careers (e.g., student, research assistant, post-doctoral fellow, and staff scientist). We are interested in everyone’s success, and we help each other to achieve the goal together. We are in the same boat!

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